Thursday, 5 July 2018

Lets get creative!


I love when I get the opportunity to get creative, do you ?
Being an adult can get boring, repetitive, full of routine and lots of busy days. So I look forward to the times when me and my son get creative and messy. We have lots of fun and I get to engage and play with him with no distractions. Giving us the opportunity to strengthen our bond.

 I've been attending this 14 weeks parenting course where I have learnt so much and I feel the need to share. I have begun to see why it is so important that I give my son my full attention a couple hours a day. YES! I said it full attention. Undivided attention. No phones! No TV! Just me and him and our imagination. Since doing this I have seen a big improvement in my sons overall behaviour and tantrums (early terrible two's I call it ha ha).

On days when me and my son are home he tends to be full of so much energy and so I get creative and start pulling stuff out. I have selected 5 activities that I will be sharing in this blog. These five activities I've selected, I would say, Jerry and I both really enjoy. They're simple, cheap and cheerful, don't  necessarily require you to go out and buy things but instead are normally things from around the house, in draws or kitchen cupboards.

Activity number one: Making your own coloured play dough!

  • What you will need;
  • 2 cups of flour 
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 4 teaspoons of cream of tartar (optional)
  • food colouring
  • mixing bowl
  • wooden spoon
How to make your dough.

Pour the dry ingredients ( flour, salt, cream tartar) into mixing bowl. Mix together with wooden spoon, then add the oil. Gradually add the warm water to the mixture and continue to stir. It will begin to thicken this is normal. Finally add your food colouring and knead your dough till it is a smooth/ firm texture ( It is similar to making dumplings or bread).

What can my child learn from it?
Playing with play dough allows your child to develop their motor skills as they strengthen their muscles in their hands. They also learn new language as you explore words such as "rolling" and "streching" "kneading". children always have real fun with play dough. 

Activity number two: Bottle shakers !

  • What you will need;
  • Clean empty plastic bottles with lids x3
  • Water
  • Rice
  • Glitter
  • Foil
  • Food colouring
  • Beads or hair beads
How to make your shaker.

For bottle number one fill it half way with water and add your rice, glitter and food colouring. Place lid
on and shake all the ingredients together so its mixed well. Finally apply sellotape around the ring to ensure it is secure. For bottle number two get the tin foil and rip into square chunks or long strips , place into the bottle and apply the lid. Finally add your sellotape around the ring. For your third bottle fill it up with beads or hair beads and place the lid on and make sure its secure with applying tape around ring again.

What can my child learn from it?
Your child will enjoy this as the rice creates noise and the glitter creates beautiful movements. The tin foil will reflect slow movement and whilst reflecting light from around their surroundings. The beads creates sounds and music. All the above shakes are great stimulation and helps them to develop their motor skills and learn colours.

Activity number three: cupcakes!

What you need

  • Cupcake tins
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • 2 Medium eggs
  • 110 g of plain flour
  • 110 g butter softened
  • 110 g caster sugar 
  • 2 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

How to make your cup cakes with your children 

First preheat your oven to 180 C/ Gas 4. Line your muffin tin with cases. Next put your butter sugar into a bowl and beat it until its smooth (I used my hand mixer to speed things up). sift your flour, baking powder and salt into the bowl too. Beat your egg and vanilla together with the mixture until combined. Finally spoon the mixture into your cases. bake for 20 minutes . Check its cooked inside by placing a knife through the middle, if the mixture does not sticks to the knife then its ready. leave to cool for 10 minutes. Serve with warm custard :).

What can my child learn?
Most children can take away different things, it all depend on there age and abilities

Activity number four: Shaving foam and alphabets!

What you will need .

  • Shaving foam
  • Foam alphabets or Magnet letters
  • Bath toys (alternatives)
  • Tray

How to do activity

My self and Jerry love this activity, it really allows us to get messy. If your like me, and are a bit of a
clean freak. First I would create a space where you and your child can be free. Next fill your tray with shaving foam and put in your alphabet letters/ magnets or any bath toys in.

                            what your child can gain from it.
Your child will then go on a little hunt find the toys or alphabets, whilst exploring the different texture in their hands. You will be surprised but this can keep them busy having fun for a while. 

5 bouncy rice balloons !  

What you will need.
  • Balloon 
  • rice
  • elastic band (optional)

How to make 

This one is a real quick and simple one, but so much fun. Place the rice into the balloon before blowing
it up, after that's complete blow it up and tie a knot.

What can my child learn from it ?

All the above activities are suitable for toddlers but pick the ones that best suit your child's interest and abilities. Hope you have lots of fun and enjoy "lets get creative" as much as I do. 


  1. Great blog, I really enjoy reading your blog, especially reading about how you create a lot of activities to stimulate your son's mind.

    1. Hey😊 thanks so much VL really appreciate you reading my blog and glad you enjoy the activitiesxx

  2. Yes Son-shine-mummiee😍

    I love how you broke down what your son can learn from what seems like mess/ just play.

    I commend you for taking out real time to spend with your son. Something a lot of parents should engage in because it's beneficial for their child's development

    Keep up the good work as a mum and with your post

    1. Thanks Liz
      whoop whoop.. I totally agree but hopefully after reading this blog more parents will engage with there children and make use of these activities.

      Thank you and thanks for your comment😁xxx

    2. Great creative ideas. Hopefully I could use these ideas in the future when I have my little one. Xx 😊 xx

    3. Thanks hun...Haha you never know when you might need some ideas and yess cant wait for yall to have your a little one. 😁xx


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