Heyyyyyyyyyyy !

I am Britney but your welcome to call me Brit. I am a first time mother to my handsome son Jeremiah, who is currently 1 year and 5 months. He really is a blessing to my life, he always brightens up my day and that is where the idea "Son-shine mummiee" came from.  I am officially 22 years old and I have so much to share, about my pregnancy journey as well as my motherhood experiences so far, but trust me when I say I am still learning too. I am a working mum who lives in the busy city of London. Our life is always jam packed with sometimes fun but most times exhausting days.

I am really excited about starting and sharing my blog. It has been a goal of mine from the start of my pregnancy, but as they say "good things take time" so here we are. I really hope your as excited and thrilled as I am to begin this chapter. I have decided to share with you from the beginning of my pregnancy because it was such a daunting but at the same time beautiful experience. on top of that I was quiet young. 
So one of my aims will be to help empower and encourage other mums or mothers to be. Also my mission is to be very open, honest and to let you know your not alone through the struggles of pregnancy and motherhood.

I hope you continue to follow and read son-shinemummiee      


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