Thursday, 31 January 2019

Education with your toddler

Education starts from conception. This important fact can often be overlooked by us as parents, especially when we have busy schedules. "They do enough learning already at nursery school"...far from the truth. It is important for us to make time to do a bit of extra learning with them at home each day. This will go along way in their development. 

When it comes to my son and I, education has always been a priority. We try to do at minimum, some reading or drawing each day. Now that he is 2 years old, his vocabulary is flourishing..we can hold elaborate conversations!! Whilst his vocabulary expands, I'm starting to focus on his fine motor skills such as writing and holding a pencil/pen correctly.

I can guarantee that if you are a parent, you understand that toddlers are full of life and are constantly on the move!
I often hear nursery teachers saying that children of this generation are losing their fine motor skills. This could possibly be because of the amount time our children spend using technology. This causes their time using things like crayons and scissors to be greatly reduced, as their time on iPads and tablets increases.
I have noticed this in my son Jerry and it worries me. He is particularly obsessed with the iPad and Youtube. Although these devices can provide learning too, the key is balance.

So lets keep education fresh, fun and creative!
In this blog I will be sharing super awesome educational worksheets you can do with your children at home or anywhere.

The picture above shows a word tracer. It will help your children have SNOW much fun this winter, whilst they learn to correctly form their letters. Snuggle up, stay warm & check out for fun educational worksheets.

I'm now very meticulous with Jerry's iPad time and the things that he watches. Early childhood education is very important and that is why I'm so grateful for the worksheets from

I hope you are able to find worksheets beneficial in your home also. Let me know in the comments if you've given them a try with your little ones.
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